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How does a hard paint brush get soft

paint brush manufacturers

After the paint brush has hardened, it can be softened in the following ways:

First, for water-based paint brushes

1. Soak and clean: Dip the used water-based paint brush into clean water, gently press and swing, so that the water-based paint on the brush gradually dissolves in water.

2. Repeat rinse: Rinse the brush with water repeatedly until it feels clean. This process can be repeated several times to ensure that the brush is thoroughly cleaned.

3. Dry and reserve: Put the cleaned brush in a ventilated place to dry naturally, avoid direct sunlight. After drying, the brush will regain some softness and be ready for the next use.

Second, for oil-based paint brushes

1. Use solvent soak: Because oil-based paint is not easily soluble in water, it needs to use a specific solvent to clean. Common solvents include toluene, paint thinner, or gasoline. Pour the appropriate amount of solvent into the container, and then gently press the oil-based paint brush in the solvent, so that the oil-based paint on the brush is dissolved.

– Precautions: When cleaning oil-based paint brushes, please do it in a well-ventilated place, preferably outside, to avoid inhaling harmful gases emitted by solvents. At the same time, try to avoid contact with the solvent on the skin.

2. Repeat cleaning: After soaking the brush in the solvent for a period of time, remove it and wipe or shake dry with a clean cloth or paper towel. Then repeat the process two to three times until the oil-based paint is completely removed from the brush.

3. Follow-up treatment: After cleaning, you can rinse the residual solvent on the brush with water and put it in a ventilated place to dry naturally. In order to increase the softness and service life of the brush, you can gently rub the brush with soapy water or laundry detergent water a few times before drying, then rinse it off with clean water and dry it.

Third, other methods

1. Use soapy water or washing powder water: For paint brushes that have become hard, you can try using soapy water or washing powder water to clean them. Dissolve an appropriate amount of soap or laundry detergent in warm water, and then soak the brush in water and gently rub it so that the stains and hardening substances on the bristles are removed. Rinse well with water and let dry.

2. Boiling water washing: Although this method is not the most recommended way, because the high temperature may cause some damage to the bristles, but in some cases you can try to wash the hardened paint brush with boiling water. Soak the brush in boiling water for a few minutes, then gently scrub yourself with the brush to remove stains and hardened substances. But please note that the water temperature is not too high to avoid damaging the bristle material. However, the effectiveness of this method may vary from person to person and there are some risks, so use caution.

In short, when dealing with hardened paint brushes, the appropriate cleaning method should be selected according to the material of the brush and the type of paint applied. At the same time, we should also pay attention to safety and environmental protection issues to avoid damage to the body and the environment.

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